Monday, June 11, 2012

INTERIOR /// I'm movin' in...

i've always been a very curios girl, a snoop if you will. when someone invites me to their house, i am the one who peeks behind the shower curtain to see what kind of shampoo they use. i am the one looking into open windows to see what other peoples home look like - i feel a little creepy saying so, but i bet many of you are little peek-er yourselves. this is what i love about the selby though: a little sneak-peek into some of the most unique homes and spaces out there, without feeling like a snoop... 

the space above belongs to charlotte rust and is no exception. i must have missed when the selby originally posted it because i only just discovered it recently. wow, so inspiring. so beautiful. so unique and so lived in. i cannot stop looking at it and imagine having one of these rooftops myself.

xo stephka

photo credit / the selby


  1. at first I was thinking as a very old house. But it was wrong. The interior look really superior which I can't even imagine. How beautiful and creative is that. wow..

  2. this house is definitely the example of "don't judge a book by its cover" because it's just so creative and edgy!

    Pudding Monster

  3. You are not alone dear, I have this kind of sparkof curiosity too when it comes to houses. I have always been a frustrated interior designer, hence my addiction to sims. I love havinga tour of houses. I love exploring and seeing how the owner's personality reflects on the house.

    Kudos to the house owner for being so creative!

