Wednesday, February 22, 2012

PICTURE OF THE DAY /// Chanel On Fire


It's a bit macbre, I know, but I just couldn't resist to share this one with you guys...! The meaning is a bit misleading on the first sight, referring to one of chanels trademarks - the camellia. 
The camellia, a flower of stark simplicity and pure white, could not fail to charm mademoiselle Chanel and formed part of her private world and later collections. Symbolizing purity and longevity in Asia, Chanel made it a symbol of her designs, featuring it here and there in every item of a woman’s wardrobe.

I dare to abstain any further judgement or comment, I just found this pictures super impressive (although it took me a moment to get the reference), but I am wondering what you think, justified or not?

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